The CUPS joint drone detection and ATM Situational Awareness platform developed by Rinicom and 42 Solutions was received extremely positively at the EUROCONTROL Drone Incursion and Detection workshop held at the EUROCONTROL head quarters in Brussels 3-4 October.

In a series of presentations to representatives from many European airports and the UAV industry, it was highlighted several times that the preferred solution to address and prevent drone incidents at airports must involve an integrated system where the drone detection platform is fully integrated with the on-site ATM system to mitigate the issues discovered during the recent drone incursions at Gatwick and Frankfurt airports where reports of drone sightings could not be communicated instantly and in real-time leading to unnecessary runway closure and delays.

The CUPS platform which integrates the optical drone detection platform from Rinicom with the Situational ATM platform from 42 Solutions provides the requested features allowing airport security managers to receive and disseminate information about drone sightings quickly around the entire organisation – from the air traffic controllers to the security/police forces on the ground – everyone can receive real-time up-to-date information such as location of the drone, trajectory, speed, and, importantly, a visual image for human verification that the object detected is actually a drone. The CUPS system also allows airports to designate their own drones as friendly so that they will not cause an alert while flying within the exclusion zone.

For more information about CUPS and SkyPatriot, please contact Rinicom.
For more information about the Situational Awareness ATM platform, please contact 42 Solutions B.V. – Director Bert Brouwer: