NEXES Brings Life to the First Ever End-to-End Next Generation Emergency Service

The NEXES Consortium announces today that the NEXES Pilot in Romania successfully demonstrated the full extent of the new communication and information exchange capabilities of the NEXES System, upon the conclusion of the NEXES Action’s development phase.

The NEXES Pilot in Romania was a key activity of the NEXES Iteration Two Workshop, held in Bucharest, in November 16th and 17th 2017, at the Ramada Bucharest North Hotel. Before a large audience that encompassed highly relevant stakeholders in the strategy, management and operation of emergency services in Romania and important representatives of the national civil society and security industry, the NEXES Pilot in Romania unfolded across seven storylines that recreated different emergency situations where the advanced and innovative NEXES capabilities ensured a reliable, fast and effective emergency response, highlighting significant advances in the emergency call-taking and handling service. Specifically, the NEXES Pilot activities emphasised the richer communication between citizens and emergency services benefiting from the NEXES Apps’ audio, text and video channels of total conversation communication, and a dedicated attention has been given to the involvement of sign language interpretation in emergency response and its importance for the deaf and hard-of-hearing communities. Also addressed was the relevance of improved location information and the exchange of medical data, namely in scenarios that implicate roaming and the relay of caller’s data across different countries to the right emergency centre.

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