NATO IST-150 Meeting

The NATO IST-150 (NATO Core Services profiling for Hybrid Tactical Networks) main goal is to develop a set of profiles allowing to rapidly deploy NATO Core Services in hybrid tactical networks, specifically addressing challenges in VHF/UHF radio, satellite, 4G/LTE and other wireless networks.

On October 12th and 13th, 2017, the group met at the FFI offices in Norway to detail the activities related with the collaboration services to be addressed in the study (e.g., Battlefield Unified Communications enveloping audio, voice and text (multimedia) and blue force tracking) and plan the conduction of experiments instantiating medium to large network sizes involving simulation, emulation and real radio equipment.

Rinicom, represented by Mr. Marco Manso, contributed to the activities of the IST-150 group by demonstrating the application of NATO Core Services and collaboration services in Rinicom PodNode radios (providing mesh wireless broadband network for tactical environments) and using them in the IST-150 experiments to be conducted during 2018 and 2019.

The NATO IST-150 is led by Germany and includes the participation of Finland, Norway, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the NCI Agency.

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